Money Talk in Relationships: Part 2




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Hi, I'm Laura!


Welcome back to our deep dive into money and relationships! On my previous blog release, we discussed why talking about money is essential, whether you’re swiping right or celebrating a milestone. Did you know that financial issues are one of the top reasons for relationship conflicts? Today, we’re making the money talk as chill as a sangria on a sunny Spanish day. 🍷

So, grab your favorite blanket and cozy up as I pull back the curtain on the anatomy of my dating life—money edition.

What Worked For Me

In this section, I’ll share the strategies that helped me successfully navigate financial discussions in my relationship.

  • Talking About Money Early On: Bringing up money within the first few dates sets the stage for open communication later on.
  • Sharing My Relationship with Money: Talking about my financial goals and what I’m working on to make it a two-way conversation.
  • Being Curious About Their Upbringing: Seeking to understand how money was discussed in their family gave valuable insights into their financial habits.
  • Assessing Their Money Management Skills: Figuring out their level of awareness with managing money and investing.
  • Identifying Their Money Expectations: Discovering what their default is. Are they more of a saver or a spender? Who do they assume pays when we’re out together. What about if we have a family together, how will money be managed?
  • Having Regular Money Dates: Once committed, we had regular money dates to ensure we stayed aligned on our financial goals.


Starting the money conversation early and making it a regular part of your relationship helps in building a strong financial foundation.

What Didn’t Work For Me

Now, let’s look at what didn’t work in my financial journey with my partner and the lessons I learned.

  • Not Talking About It: Ignoring the topic only creates future conflicts.
  • Assuming Generosity Based on Wealth: Wealth doesn’t always equate to generosity.
  • Making Assumptions Based on Appearance: Don’t judge financial behavior by looks or job title.
  • Suppressing My Own Preferences: Not voicing my desires because they were paying just led to resentment. Enough with the nice girl narrative.
  • Buying Into False Security: Taking a career break because of a wealthy partner was a major lesson—always have your own financial security.


Avoid assumptions and always ensure your own financial independence to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship.

Making Money Talk Easy

Feeling awkward about bringing up money? Here are some tips to ease into the conversation.

  • Use Me as an Excuse: Mention you’re following a financial coach who emphasizes the importance of money talks.
  • Share Your Learning Journey: Use your financial education as a bridge to start the conversation.
  • Highlight the Importance: Discuss how financial problems contribute to 40% of all divorces and emphasize the need to avoid this.


Using external resources or your learning experiences can make the money talk less daunting and more natural.

Scheduling Regular Money Dates

This section explains the importance of regular financial check-ins and how to make them enjoyable.

  • Dedicate Time for Money Talks: Set aside specific times each month to review your finances together.
  • Track Financial Goals: Use this time to see if you’re on track and discuss any necessary adjustments.
  • Make It Fun: Find ways to make these meetings enjoyable, like visiting a favorite spot that inspires you both.


Regular money dates help you stay on track with your financial goals and strengthen your relationship by fostering open communication.


Talking about money isn’t just about scrutinizing your partner’s finances. It’s about ensuring you’re in the best relationship possible. With about one-third of couples fighting about money, you owe it to yourself to address this crucial topic. Once you’ve brought up money, take the next step and schedule your first monthly money date together.

For my partner and me, these money dates are our dedicated time to align our financial goals and make any necessary changes. We love taking our laptops to a place that has vision boards and dream home vibes to keep it fun and inspiring.


Q: How do I bring up money without making it awkward?
A: Use your financial education or a financial coach as a segue. Share your own money goals first to set the tone.

Q: How often should we have money dates?
A: Monthly is a good frequency to ensure you stay aligned on your goals and address any changes needed.

Q: What if my partner is reluctant to discuss finances?
A: Explain the importance and how it can strengthen your relationship. Be patient and give them time to open up.

Final Thoughts

I feel I could write a book on this topic, and maybe one day I will! For now, if you’re looking for more Wealthy Witch tips, send me a DM here..

Here’s to you, Wealthy Witch! đź’ś
xo Laura

PS. I’m hosting a free live investing class next week that I’d love you to join. Check out the details and save your place here.

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